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Biden Administration Announces $39 Billion in Student Debt Relief for 804,000 Borrowers

The Biden administration has announced automatic loan forgiveness for 804,000 federal student loan borrowers totaling $39 billion. The Department of Education (DoE) will begin notifying eligible borrowers in the coming weeks, marking a significant victory for President Joe Biden’s student debt relief plan. In this article, we will delve into the details and implications of this announcement.


Before delving into the specifics of the announcement, it is essential to understand the context of this decision. The student debt crisis in the United States has been a long-standing issue, with over 44 million Americans owing a total of $1.7 trillion in student loans. President Biden has long been an advocate of student debt relief and has taken several actions to address the problem since taking office.

One of his campaign promises was to cancel up to $10,000 of student debt per borrower, but this proposal was blocked by the Supreme Court in June 2023. Despite this setback, the Biden administration has continued to explore ways to provide relief to borrowers burdened with student debt.

Details of the Announcement

According to the DoE, the loan forgiveness comes as a result of “fixes implemented by the Biden-Harris Administration to ensure all borrowers have an accurate count of the number of monthly payments that qualify toward forgiveness under income-driven repayment (IDR) plans.” Under these plans, borrowers can have their debt forgiven after 20 or 25 years of payments, depending on the repayment plan and loan type.

The department identified “historical failures” and administrative errors that miscounted qualifying payments made by borrowers, which resulted in a significant number of eligible borrowers being denied forgiveness. The fixes implemented by the Biden administration aim to rectify these errors and ensure that all borrowers receive the forgiveness they are entitled to.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a statement, “By fixing past administrative failures, we are ensuring everyone gets the forgiveness they deserve, just as we have done for public servants, students who were cheated by their colleges, and borrowers with permanent disabilities, including veterans. This Administration will not stop fighting to level the playing field in higher education.”

This announcement marks the latest in a series of actions taken by the Biden administration to address the student debt crisis. Since taking office, the administration has approved over $116.6 billion in student loan forgiveness for more than 3.4 million borrowers.

Implications of the Announcement

The announcement will come as a relief to hundreds of thousands of borrowers who have been struggling to pay off their student loans for years. The forgiveness of $39 billion in student debt will provide a significant boost to the economy, as borrowers will have more disposable income to spend on other goods and services.

The announcement is also a significant win for President Biden, who has made addressing the student debt crisis a priority since taking office. Despite the setback of the Supreme Court blocking his original proposal, the administration has continued to explore other avenues to provide relief to borrowers.

This announcement may also have political implications, as it demonstrates the Biden administration’s commitment to delivering on its promises to the American people. With the 2024 presidential election approaching, the student debt crisis is likely to be a major issue, and the administration’s actions on this front may play a significant role in shaping public opinion.


The announcement of $39 billion in student debt relief for 804,000 borrowers is a significant victory for the Biden administration and a relief for countless struggling borrowers. While the student debt crisis in the United States is far from over, this announcement represents a step in the right direction and a demonstration of the administration’s commitment to addressing this pressing issue.

As the administration continues to explore ways to provide relief to borrowers burdened with student debt, it is essential to keep in mind the long-term implications of these decisions. The student debt crisis is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive and sustainable solution, and the Biden administration’s actions on this front will be closely watched in the coming years.

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